Few days ago I was told that it was nice talking to me because I'm a positive person to talk with. I was surprised by that comment, since lately I'm not the most joyful person in the world maybe because of some personal problems and circumstances I've gone through. Anyways, the point is I was surprised and so I said: "Me, positive? Lately I only talk about my problems..."
"Yes maybe, but I don't see you complain, it's more like you look for the bright side and keep going" THANKS!
This comment made me realize that if I had ever doubted my personality, I don't have to do it again. Sometimes, the different circumstances in life make you feel insecure. People disappoint you again and again and you end up thinking: "Is it me?", "Is it that the way I was raised wasn't the right one"
Of course, my personality nowadays is a mix of what I've been taught and what I "created" myself through the years... but, you know what? I LIKE ME.
Why am I talking about all this? Simply because every day I feel, for different reasons, that people no longer put themselves in your shoes. I'm sure you will read this and say; "Oh no I'm not like that". Are you sure? Because I AM.
Hold on! Not everything is black or white. There's no need to be selfish but also, you can't ONLY think about the rest. I'm only saying there should be a balance. Simply, I think that balance could make our world a bit better.
Sometimes, with only one word we can hurt so much, and if we are talking to someone vulnerable, even more. I think it's not so difficult to be more careful.
Not long ago I read a sentence that went something like this: Be the change you want to see in the world. I think it's by Gandhi. I decided to try that, I try to be more understanding with the people around me. I try not to be a hypocrite. I try... but it would be great to feel that the people around me are doing that for me too. I think it even involves RESPECT.
Luckily, I have people in my life that have enlightened my way when I needed them. Unfortunately, it doesn't always happen.... and there are persons that go through life proud of who they are when instead, they should check the mirror and reflect a little.
After all, BE KIND FOR EVERYONE YOU KNOW IS FIGHTING A HARD BATTLE. We're all in the same game, just different levels. Dealing with the same hell, just different devils.
aidont espiquin inglish sou mach so
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uat a pena che.
Nat always remember that u too inspire people to be been better by been the person that u are...Mick